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Showing posts from March, 2011

Looking for The Sound of Music

"When are you going to post another blog?" I t's becoming a perennial question at the homestead. Of course, I do publish a blog every Wednesday, just not here. ( See my sidebar. ) I'm posting a blog tonight to let you know about my latest adventure in music. I'm now facilitating a middle school boys praise band at the K-8 school that meets at my church. I'm having a difficult time coming up with a title for myself, and 'facilitator' seems to be the best word for now. (Something just shy of referee) I've taken over the job that was previously held by the Minister of Music and Arts at our church--Facilitator #1. He has a lot of personal things going on and wisely felt it best to take himself out of the school responsibility. Having worked with the school last Spring--filling in for the music teacher and facilitating (there's that word again) the drum circle--I was excited when they called upon me again, asking if I would take on the band. I came ...