O ur Bible study group just finished Jen Hatmaker's book Tune In , about hearing the voice of God through various means and circumstances. As part of her last section, "God Haunts" (where God likes to "hang out"), she focuses in on God speaking to us through His creation. She poses a question about whether we hear God through nature. "Are you a 'Nature Girl'?" she asks. Of the seven gals around the table, five were not nature girls. (Not even the beach! I was stunned!!) The gal next to me didn't comment (I know she goes to the beach but maybe that's where it ends....) Me? I'm very much a nature girl, though, these days, I find God speaking to me more directly through reading the Bible. But as a girl growing up, God and nature were synonymous. Had I been more assertive (like way more assertive), I could have led a lively debate—"It's not nice to fool Mother Nature when she's a fraud anyway!" Maybe it was because I...
Where I write longer things....