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Life: An A-maze-ing Adventure

Do you feel, some days, like the hayride just dumped you off at the start of the corn maze, and you are scrambling around lost?

The paper in your hand isn't a map. No, it's just a series of questions that you have to answer. "It's like a big game," you say, reading the directions. "I'm supposed to be looking for the answers!??!"

Feeling a little frustrated, perhaps?

Or maybe a little contemplative, if that's more your character.

Maybe you just need to look up!

"The Lord is with you when you are with him.
If you seek him, he will be found by you."
—II Chronicles 15:2

And knowing His very presence, you can take that next step forward in confidence.

"You have made known to me the path of life, Lord;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
—Psalm 16:11

We may not have all the answers. But we have our greatest Help walking with us!

Life is still a maze, but stopping and appreciating a moment of resting and clear thinking, being filled with the Holy Spirit, allows us to keep going forward, and to know peace!

There was a time when Jesus wrote a message in the sand....

But, since He came to fulfill the Law and to set us free from the burdens we carry, we can now call on our God in prayer, in full confidence, and He is with us—no matter how lost we feel.

"You will call, and the Lord will answer;
you will cry for help, and he will say: Here I am.
—Isaiah 58:9

And in that, let us rejoice!

"Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you,
who walk in the light of your presence, O Lord."
—Psalm 89:15

He will pull us through, and the blessings are ours!

"In the presence of the Lord your God, you and your families shall eat and shall rejoice in everything you have put your hand to, because the Lord your God has blessed you."
—Deuteronomy 12:7

Thanks to my girls for the trip through the maze.
And praises to God for getting us all out by His hand!

* * *

Originally published on my MOPS blog, In-between Time


Edie said…
I LOVE THIS! I love everything about this post!! The pictures are great and it looks like you all had some wonderful family time together.

I SO love the way you saw GOD and His WORD in all of this!! It really was an encouragement to my heart this morning. :)

Thanks and have a GREAT day!
Kelly said…
This was great! The pictures were so fun. I love the expressions! What an aMAZEing adventure. Thanks for sharing it with us.

And glad to see you blogging again. Twice in one week! That's something for me to be happy about that.

But WHAT WAS Jesus writing in the sand??!!?!?
The Patterson 5 said…
Thanks for the encouragement through your amazing visit to the maze! The verses are so helpful in all of the "mazes" we may feel like we are in in our lives!
KelliGirl said…
What wonderful pictures. I could smell the fall in the air and hear the crunch of the leaves. Your daughters are precious! Aren't fall outings the best?

BTW, it was nice to see you on Chatty Kelly's blog. It looks like you all had a great time.
Bonita said…
Love the analogy and I can so relate. I think corn mazes are so much fun, but I never go in one without someone who can read maps and figure out the clues because in that situation I'm totally clueless and would wander around like a mouse all day if left to my own navigational devices. It's nice to know we always have the Holy Spirit with us as a guide when life starts feeling A-maze-ing!
Great pictures and words and verses. Very relevant and powerful.

Thank you.

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