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An Award-Winning Poem by CJ

Wow! I won a contest.
Wow! I caught a butterfly.
Wow! I hit a homer.
Wow! I gave canoeing a try.

Wow! I got invited to a party.
Wow! I found my missing charm.
Wow! I won my soccer game.
Wow! I fixed my broken alarm.

Wow! I got my first A+.
Wow! I got in a cool club.
Wow! I can chop a pepper.
Wow! I received a new toy sub.

Wow! I bought a new pet dog.
Wow! I trained my own pet fly.
So many reasons to say “Wow”,
So many reasons why.

* * *

Turns out, Daughter #1 did win in a contest. She captured second place in the Intermediate division (3rd-5th graders) of her school's PTA Reflections contest, Literature category! WOW!

Reflections is a program sponsored by the National PTA that focuses on the creative arts—literature, music, dance choreography, video, visual arts and photography. Local PTA's host schoolwide contests and first-place winners advance through the county, state and national levels. A theme is provided (a separate contest; kids actually develop and submit themes), and the kids have complete creative control to do what they wish with it. Indeed, parents need to sign the paperwork saying they had nothing to do with any aspect of the project.

CJ has participated since Kindergarten and loves the opportunity to share her creative work. She was very excited to receive her certificates and a trophy (though the cake with the chocolate mousse filling may have been the real treat of the evening).

As we talked afterward, as she wondered how she came to be in this spot, I said that she had really found her niche. Literature (poems, stories, essays and such) is a category that suits her skills.
And if I had to look back at my own interest in writing, it really hit its first high point with that A+ in English in the last marking period of 4th grade.

Wow.... I just got lots of warm fuzzies.


Kelly said…
Wow - that's about all I can say - wow! She has a real talent in the arts, and will go places no doubt! She's come a long way, baby. And she is primed and ready to take it farther.

Congrats to everyone! And what could be better than warm fuzzies on a chilly fall morning.
The Patterson 5 said…
Wow! She sure is a talented young lady and I loved her poem it captures her age so well as there are so many Wow! moments! Thank you CJ for sharing your poem with us!
KelliGirl said…
It's nice to see you posting again. I hope to see more in the days ahead.

Congratulations to your daughter. What a great poem. I can only imagine what God has in store for her with her gift with words!

Blessings to you,
Edie said…
WOW that's SO GREAT CJ!! Congratulations and Yay to you!

Now I do have a question for you CJ. Did you really train your own pet fly? LOL.

Hi Sue J! I sure have missed you. Nice to have you back! You know this post falls in line with an RQ I've been thinking about. ;) Haven't decided what to use this week yet though.
Anonymous said…
No, I didn't. That was never a goal for ME!
Edie said…
CJ - LOL!!

Sue - We need to be submitted to God in our commitment. (How about that?) - Excellent thoughts as usual!
On Purpose said…
Congrats to you CJ! May you continue to celebrate the gifts and talents you have been we may continue to be to you!
My ADHD Me said…
She really is talented.

Welcome Back!!

Also, brunch was great fun! Thanks so much!!
I hate to be redundant, but WOW. She's very talented and insightful.

I wanted to say thanks for dropping by to see my new blog makeover.

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