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Mother's Day

What a beautiful day! Almost unfair to have had such beautiful weather for both my birthday and Mother's Day.

Enjoyed the day in the garden--planting the new ornamental grasses I received! But, the most captivating part of the day was watching another young family.

For the past several years, chickadees have taken over this birdhouse in our yard to bring new chickadees into the world. How fitting on Mother's Day weekend that our latest brood should arrive!

By CJ's count, there are at least 3 little beaks sticking out of the hole in the box. The peep-peep-peeping went on all afternoon! Hungry little things....

Mom and Dad had to patiently wait to feed these little ones, as my little ones and the neighbors' were running all over the yard creating a menacing distraction for the parents. But, this season of life is when the chickadees are their most brave--and busy! And not even my little ones could keep these beaks from receiving their tasty morsels...all afternoon.

I felt guilty just stopping to sit and take their pictures.

* * *

There is another story this Mother's Day weekend. A story of three in another house--no longer newborns, but still with needs. A busy, happy neighborhood family. What's different in their story, now, is that Mom will be the one doing all the caretaking, as Dad passed away on Saturday after a long battle trying to beat a brain tumor. Although his passing was not completely unexpected, it was never fully anticipated. And, surely, it was never fully felt until Mom became the one at the perch.

Mom sent out the most amazing letter to a number of us who have been sharing in their lives over these many months. She acknowledged her great sadness. But she also acknowledged how blessed they had all been by having the time together and preparing. And Dad was prepared. He spent his days working fruitfully and enjoying the time with his wife and children and family. He knew his Lord, and he was prepared to truly go in peace. How extremely difficult, and yet how beautifully simple. When the tears start, they are a mixture of sadness and joy.

The Bible story in Luke 12 that Jesus tells of God's love and promise for us fits too well here:

"Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. 'I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God.'"

God has not forgotten these "five sparrows." I know that He will continue to be with those that remain here, even as He has brought one to the highest heights. And may his example of faithfulness be what sustains us in this time.


Edie said…
Oh I love the photos of the little birds. How cool that they have made a springtime cottage of your little birdhouse. I didn't think birds ever really used bird houses. Hmmm, I may have to set one up in my yard now. :)

I'm so sorry for your neighbor and friend. I have prayed for their comfort and provision.

Happy Mother's Day to you my friend! Much love to you!!
The Patterson 5 said…
I too love your chick-a-dee family that nests right outside your door! How fun for the girls to watch!

Prayers for your neighbor and for her family.
Leslie said…
I'm jealous! This is the first year I haven't heard any chirping in our bird house! We planted our vegetable garden over the weekend, and I kept going over to the house to listen but never heard anything. I haven't seen any activity either:-(

Prayers going out to your neighbors!
Cassie said…
Sue, what a beautiful was the most amazing weather..and your day sounded so beautiful...I love birds! My side yard is a bird sanctuary!
You take amazing photos!
KelliGirl said…
I have a birdhouse right outside my office/living room window that houses black capped chickadees. Many times I've stopped what I've been doing to watch them. Such a simple sight brings such joy. Each little detail of God's creation is a work of art, isn't it?

So sorry about your friend's husband. It makes me so sad for your friend and her children. I know God can use ALL circumstances for good, but this is a hard one.

Hope you're doing well and still enjoying the beautiful weather (if it's anything like here). Spring is finally here!

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