I wrote a fan E-mail the other day. I told you how much I enjoyed reading Nora Raleigh Baskin 's book Anything But Typical . Since writers are now listing websites and other means of contact on their book jackets, it made it fairly easy to find her. Just had to say how amazed I was with her ability to get inside the brain of an autistic teenager and to have him speak to us in "our language." Absolutely captivated me. Well, she wrote me back, which was awfully kind. I wasn't really expecting anything, and the part of me that might have expected something was expecting one of those pre-packaged thank-you's. (Who has time to write thank-you's to readers?) No, she was sincere, and she was grateful to have someone take the time to find her and to acknowledge her work. Her thank-you was a warm, fuzzy start to the day, as if her book hadn't touched me enough. * * * S peaking of the book, I have to share this wonderful story from the book. ...
Where I write longer things....