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A Daybook Entry

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FOR TODAY, Tuesday, September 15, 2009...


The sun is still working its way up; seems to come up slower in the fall. Still crisp and cool. Fall is definitely on time per the calendar this year--early for central Virginia. And, there's a gorgeous pink morning glory blossom out this morning, its vine wrapping and winding its way up the bird feeder pole.


About last night's first bell choir rehearsal of the year. We have two new members, bringing our total to 13 ringers and one substitute. For a 3-1/2 octave choir, this is amazing! I've had to write in parts to make sure everyone has bells, and, in some cases, I'm writing in percussion accompaniment for tunes in which there just aren't any more bells to add. Now the challenge of meeting the needs of 14 people.... It's all good!


God's blessing and provision for the above. We started our 5th year, and each year has had its challenges. He has brought us through every single time, and He continues to bless what we do. We have six concert venues between now and Christmas. Wow!


I'm one of several team teachers for a Sunday School class on
A Woman's Secret to a Balanced Life: Finding God's Refreshing Priorities for You, by Lysa TerKeurst and Sharon Jaynes. Finished the book, and we had our meet-and-greet this past Sunday. As the women were commenting about wanting to be better jugglers and multi-taskers, I realized that I have come to a place where I recognize that life is not about juggling things better but it's about re-prioritizing those multiple things that we see in our lives. Some of those things we aren't supposed to be juggling!! We're not even supposed to be holding those balls!!

Does this mean I've gotten rid of all the balls I have? No, but at least I recognize that there should be a different principle at work in my life. I have come a long way in this regard....really!


Last night, we had penne with vodka sauce. CJ got all upset because we weren't enjoying the marinara sauce that is my husband's recipe. (Traitors!) Sometimes, you just like something a little different. Tonight, sauteed chicken and red peppers, with coconut rice and black beans. Baking cereal cookies for lunches and homemade banana bread.


A browniful T, shorts and shoes. Put long white socks on today, too, so I can weed the jungle that is behind the bushes in our front yard.


Open spaces again! I'm clearing out bell music and files that have been here all summer, finishing up small sewing projects that have also been in the dining room all summer, and starting to move out old clothes, toys and videos that the girls aren't using anymore.


Nowhere today! I can't believe that has been the response for the Daybook, but, perhaps that explains why there is a Daybook entry today at all. Every other day, I have had to go multiple places. It will be nice to be here all and the laundry and baking and home projects.


Still trying to finish Anything But Typical, by Nora Raleigh Baskin (see last Daybook entry). One thing I didn't mention about the book is that it is a book for youth. CJ plowed through it first thing when it came home from the library. I'm hoping to finish it before it has to go back next week.


To find some judges for the PTA Reflections program. The entries will soon be coming in from the kids. Now I need to secure judges in the six categories (literature, visual arts, photography, film production, dance choreography and music composition). Can't wait to see what the kids come up with for the theme "Beauty is...." I'm sure CJ will enter something, but I need to steer clear of anything she contributes this year, Mom being the chair of the program and all.


Some cricket-like bug with its constant whistle. The white wash is kicking around in the drier. Hoping to hear the garbage truck pull up. It didn't come at all last week and seems to have forgotten to come again this week. Someone might be hearing the sound of "goodbye" soon.


We cleaned out the family room over Labor Day weekend to make way for painting the room red. The problem is, we can't decide on a shade. It's very hard to visualize such a bold color filling an entire room when you are looking at a 1x5 rectangle, next to four other 1x5 rectangles, next to five other sheets of rectangles!! I will need to venture out to the home store with some choices and ask them to whip us up a couple of mini-pints to test. You don't want to mess up with the "wrong" red. (Just ask those HGTV designers who look at your remodeling efforts to see whose will bring in the most money!)


I do love being back with the bell choir. The first night is always awkward, because we don't play over the summer, so folks are just getting back into the swing. Plus, with new folks, you always want to make them feel welcome, and yet it's so overwhelming to join an existing group.

But the sound! I can hear and see how much this group has grown. Even with folks dropping out of the music at various times over the rehearsal, I can hear how well things are going to come together. Our first concert is October 5, so there is little time to prepare. I'm so pleased with what we'll have to offer, even this early in the season.


Trying to stay home and get things done. Still not looking for any new plans, thank-you-very-much!


"...the whole earth is full of His glory."--Isaiah 6:3

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Click on the "Daybook" icon to link to Peggy's blog for more entries.


My ADHD Me said…
I feel almost as if I am sitting next to you.

On my blogrole it shows that you posted this just 2 minutes ago. So we are both sitting at our computers at the same time, just 5 miles, or so, away from each other. Of course outside your window and mine is just about the same thing, (however, there is a pink car in my driveway..haha).

I was thinking the same thing as you, regarding the weather.

Also hoping to clear out some space today.

I need to get some painting done, but need clear (and HOPEFULLY) discard some of this clutter!

Enjoy your day at home!!!
On Purpose said…
Thank you for the 'lesson' from the learning room...heard the lesson in my heart...I have balls that I don't need to be juggling...!! thank you!
Bonita said…
Such a beautiful morning glory, some of my favorite flowers!

I enjoy listening to bell choirs. I guess I didn't realize you were so musical, writing parts and all. I can hear the passion in your post.

I agree totally about the juggling. Sometimes we just need to get rid of a few balls or plates and the "juggling" becomes less of a circus act and more a rhythm of life.
KelliGirl said…
You are a busy (and talented) woman indeed--writing, creating, teaching, ringing, organizing! I can see why you're not in search of "something."

I'm with you on the clearing out clutter. My desk is on the top of my to-do list for tomorrow!

Sweet dreams,
Edie said…
I'm hoping to clear out space too. Emily was asking me when I was going to make the play room for them.

I love your bells! I hope we get to see a performance on your blog this year.
Kelly said…
I volunteer to record your next bell solo so we can post it. The crowd is begging. :-)

Looking forward to getting together.
twinsplusone said…
Sue, I love your dayposts. I feel accomplished when I read them...and I am not even the one accomplishing those tasks. Sounds like the Fall has great things in store for you and I have been trying to clear out space around here, too!
Glad you are enjoying a few quiet, peaceful, and productive days!
Carmen said…
Sue! I didn't realize you had two blogs! I went to In Between Time and sulked a bit because you weren't there any longer. Then it struck me! Check and see if Sue has another blog. I'm so embarassed at my apparent slowness, but happy I found you.

My hubby's cousin plays the bells too. So cool!

Oh, and btw, I'm coming to your house for cookies and banana bread...and that coconut rice sounds yummy. Never had that before!

Ah well...maybe we'll share a meal in heaven someday. I'll be checking in again. Have a good weekend!
Edie said…
Kelly volunteered! I heard it! It's official now. We WILL get to see you play the bells on your blog! Woo Hoo!

The audience has transitioned from begging to demanding. LOL!

I'm gathering your 5 random words to email you.
Sue J. said…
I don't have any plans to play for Christmas right now. Perhaps it will be "for a blog audience only."

I'll turn on our gas-fireplace, set up the mantel and tree....Kelly, are you paying attention (camera operator and director). "The Christmas Song" perhaps? Maybe I should take requests??

OK...I'll set up a recording date with CK and we'll post in December sometime. You gals are too much!

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