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The S Words

ADHDMe gave us an offer we couldn't refuse.... We're playing the "Assign me a letter and then I'll write 10 things I love beginning with that letter" game.

So, without further delayed school openings....

10 Things I Love That Begin With The Letter "S".

1. SCHOOL—It makes everyone's day so much brighter when it's in session. I spent 17 years in school and continue to grow, study and learn every day. It's a good thing!

2. SEWING—In today's tough economic times, when I could be going to myriad close-out sales, I choose, instead, to triple-patch my holey jeans at my sewing machine. I'm making a door "pillow" to keep out the frosty air we've been experiencing lately. Extra button holes, to make a CJ blouse wearable at school. Elastic ties to keep the cover on the faux Pottery Barn Teen lounging sofa. And, eventually, I'll finish those chairs for my sister. (I know, I said those would be first on the list after Christmas. I was sew wrong! It's too cold to sit outside anyway....)

3. SUCCULENTS—Sedums, really. Not so much cacti. Plants that can actually grow in central Virginia and look really unique. (So not my garden....)

4. SLEEP—What's that? I don't know, but I remember enjoying it when I was a teenager. I understand this makes a resurgence later in life. (I'm glad it's not later, yet.) [Alt: Silence—What's that??]

5. SANCTUARY—There are lots of them, actually. My church's sanctuary is where the bell choir I direct practices. I enjoy the quiet of setting up and the joyful sound that comes later that same evening as we ring together, laugh together, share together and enjoy what it means to be called together. Bird and wildlife sanctuaries....places to go, respect the silence, and marvel at creation within the creation. Sanctuary within.... Sanctuary for God.

Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary
Pure and holy, tried and true
With thanksgiving, I'll be a living
Sanctuary for You

6. SANDY BEACH AT THE SEASHORE. Pretty self-explanatory. A SCOOP of ice cream would go well with that.

7. SELF-IMPROVEMENT—Now, don't get scared. I don't have a nightstand full of self-help books. That's not what this means. But, I do have built in the drive to improve the self that I have, in some respect. Sometimes, I need a book, if not THE book, to help. Sometimes, I just need to actually DO something. It goes along with school....

8. SNOW—See the post before this one. I do love a great snowfall. I lived in Chicago for some 14 years; college+ in Upstate New York; not to mention most of the rest of my life in the middle Atlantic region. I've seen myself some snow! Now, I have to make my own. (sigh!)

9. SIDE DISHES, like SPUDS—As much as I enjoy a loin of pork or filet of beef, if you gave me the option to order "all sides," I'd be asking, "How many?" One of my favorite culinary experiences was dining out at the Amish family style restaurants in Pennsylvania. All the sides you could think of and as much as you wanted of any of them (with SHOO fly pie for dessert!)

10. SISTERS—I have 3, and they are the greatest; two sisters-in-law, and they are wonderfully talented; and many, many other sisters without whom it would be difficult to make something of anything, much less today.

So many substantive S's.
(And then there were things like squid, salmonella and sphygmometer.... So not Sue J.)


Kelly said…
I LOVE that photo of you & your sisters! And I'm glad to be yoru sister in Christ. Great "S" words today! Very clever.

My favorite "S"??? Well of course it is SUE J!
My ADHD Me said…
I'm glad you played!

1. I LOVE school (now that I don't go myself)
2. Duct Tape- works on almost everything!
3. My thumb is brown...but that's your favorite color so I guess that is ok.
4. YES!!
5. Whether it is at home or at church, a sanctuary is a wonderful place to gather your thoughts, pray and meditate.
6. Don't forget the sunscreen!
7. I think I own just about every organizing and self help book day I may read them.
8. Love Snow!
9. I've always preferred side dishes to main courses.
10. Gotta love em'.

You don't love salmonella? lol
Edie said…
2. When I was in HS patching your jeans with different fabric was the style. I had a pair of jeans that had so many patches on them that you almost couldn't find the denim. LOL. They were my favorite pair and I wish I still had them. Just for the nostalgia. :)

4. I hope sleep is unnecessary in Heaven cause it sure takes up a lot of productive time. Now silence is something I love.

6. I miss the beach. But you already know that.

7. Me too! Me too!

I loved your list. Have a great weekend!
On Purpose said…
Sue J....I so appreciate your prayers and support. The amazing words of encouragement and love you left on my blog are feeding my heart and soul right now! Thank you!
KelliGirl said…
Once again, very fun and very you. I loved all your choices and probably would have chosen many of them myself (except sewing!).

And I do like the form of calamari. :-)

Have a great Monday,
Edie said…
Just stopping by to say hi.

Olivia must have told the girls what the squid was in the Webkins food section because they've been talking about it a lot. Only they call it squig. LOL!! It sounds too cute for me to correct them. :)
Kacey Elliott said…
I love your "S" list Sue! Very inspiring. At the top of my "S" list would have been silence :-), probably followed by snow. So fun! Happy Birthday to RJ2! Hope the party planning went well!

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