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Your Caption Here

My blog is seriously stale! Vacation will do that.
(Although the fare at Proverbs is always fresh daily!)

Great excuse to play "Your Caption Here."

I don't do prizes, but, if you so desire, I will create a virtual one for you. My answer to the Facebook cup of coffee. (HA!)

Feel free to comment more than once. Let's have fun out there!!

* * *

"I may be going out on a limb here, but, did your dryer break?"


Kelly said…
Director to prop guy, "When I said I wanted some canaries in a tree, I meant the bird not the color!"
Kelly said…
"I'm just hanging out, what are you doing?"
Sue J. said…
Don't these branches look a little top-heavy to you?

Well, actually, I was going to say something else entirely....
CJ said…
It's Bathing Suit Endurance- and today's challenge is.... Who Can Hang On The Tree Branch The Longest!!!!
Bonita said…
"Suburban Clothesline"

Why have I never realized you had another blog? Looks great so I signed up to follow it.
Kelly said…
When the rashguard label said "to protect limbs from sunburn" I don't think this is what it meant.
Kelly said…
Double dating, the swimsuit way.
Kelly said…
When swimwear takes a vacation it doesn't go to the beach....
My ADHD Me said…
Oh my, CK is on a roll.

I, on the other hand, have drawn a complete blank. Me? With nothing to add? That is a post in itself!
Sue J. said…
Some cases of separation anxiety require unique intervention.
Sue J. said…
Why couldn't the bathing suits go canoeing?

Because they're up a tree without a paddle.

(Boom-boom-boom CRASH!)
CJ said…
"This place is so great! I never want to leaf."
Ok, that's pretty bad.....
CJ said…
The T- Shirt Adults: So how do you like your vacation?
The Shorts Kids: It's better than the scuba-diving trip. It's not as good as the trip to the washing machine.
Kelly said…
I think we have a winner:
Think the Commodores, singing...

It's a BRICK HOUSE, it might be, might be, letting it all HANG OUT...

( will we get the clothes that are HANGING OUT down?)

Shake it down, shake it down now. Shake it down, shake it down now.
Sue J. said…

I'm not ready to call this quite yet, but that was a good one.
Sue J. said…
Sorry, ma'am.... Dollar Tree is next door.
KelliGirl said…
Oh, I'm overwhelmed by the creativity here! Alas, it is too late and my brain too mushy to add.

Just stopping by to say welcome back from vacation. Hope you all had a great time!
Edie said…
I think you and CK have a corner on this market. Very funny!

My blog has been a little stale lately too. :)
CJ said…
Excuse me, which way is it to the National Arboretum?
jkwill said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
jkwill said…
I think this tree suits me fine...don't you think so Lycra and Spandex? "yes, we do Aunt Tankini..."
Sue J. said…
That's good, Aunt Tankini, because one pair is going to YOUR house!!
CJ said…
T-Shirt 1: Hey! I just checked my tag, and it says that I'm from Walmart!
T-Shirt 2: Me too! We must be related!
CJ said…
When they said the monkey bars I didn't think they meant THIS!
CJ said…
T-Shirt 1: Hey! They forgot to put us in the washing machine!
T-Shirt 2: Today's Earth Day. They were trying to save energy.
CJ said…
Ahh... The Great Outdoors....
CJ said…
T-Shirt 2: Why did they take us outside? Is it a punishment? Did we soak up too much chlorine when the kids went swimming yesterday?
T-Shirt 1:Maybe. I see the branch cutter guys passing through the cul- de-sac.
CJ said…
I heard rumors about going on a clothesline, but instead we got put in a tree.
CJ said…
Shorts to T-shirts: Man, I hope this horrible picture of us doesn't end up on anyone's blog.
CJ said…
T-shirt: I hope the kids won't betray us and wear another bathing suit while we're gone.
jkwill said…
let me guess, Aunt Velour is embroidering rash guards now?
Kelly said…
"I hate time out!"

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