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7 Facts About Me

I've been tagged by Chatty Kelly. So I will now post 7 facts about me.

1. I love the color BROWN, as in coffee, chocolate, cocoa, dirt....
2. I used to be an on-air radio personality in Upstate New York and, besides my maiden name, used the names Sue O'Neill and Awesome Sue.
3. My boyfriend in high school and I decided to cross-dress for a Halloween party. (I was a great date and brought him a bouquet! I did think his makeup was a bit much. But I looked like a young Paul McCartney with a mustache. Of course I have pictures.)
4. I answered God's saving call on my life as I was driving to Sam's Club to shop on a Sunday. (I was bawling with happiness, much to the chagrin of my fellow Club members.)
5. I am an unbelievably self-controlled window shopper. I have problems once you get me in the store. (Just ask my personal shopper! "She won't try on anything--What's her problem??")
6. I used to do Chinese fire drills with my high-school youth group. (And I liked them!)

7. My kids bring out the best and the worst in me. I'm still trying to figure them out; us out. Being a mom just isn't what I thought it would be, and truthfully, who can know what being a mom is really like until you become one? God's plan is one of a kind, and I'm so glad that He chose me to experience this special role of a lifetime.

Tag--You're it now! If you read my blog and want to join in, read the rules below. I'd love to know seven things about each one of you! Leave a comment and let me know if you'll post, so that I can come by!

1. List these rules on your blog.

2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Let me know you're playing by leaving a comment on my blog.

4. If you don't blog, list your 7 facts in the comments section.

Guess I get a night off from developing something totally original. Would like to give credit to whomever started this chain, but.....I don't have that much time to check out ALL THOSE BLOGS! (Whew!)



Kelly said…
First - I love your quote at the top of yoru blog about your blogging schedule! Original and amazing - like you.

Second - the brown comment is not original or amazing. That I knew!

Third - what is a chinese fire drill???

Fourth - #7 - DITTO!

As for "Awesome Sue" - I knew that too, not that it was your radio name, but that you are awesome. (awwwwww!)
The Patterson 5 said…
I'd love to hear some of your radio broadcasts! Wow! What a celebrity! I agree with #7 as well. I will share a quote from a friend of mine who had a colicy newborn-"Why didn't anyone tell me this was sooooo hard!" For me I think I forget the hard and cherish the amazing wonder of motherhood.
The Patterson 5 said…
alright I posted my seven! Hopefully some of the fun facts are new to you!

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