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A Daybook Entry

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FOR TODAY, Wednesday, September 2, 2009...


Appears a light breeze is in the air, moving the leaves, the purple grass and the bird feeder. The backyard is really sterile right now. No big flourish of blooms like spring. September is the time to start closing things down outside. I'm having a "master gardener" friend come to visit this fall so she can evaluate the backyard and offer some helpful suggestions for trying to make something--besides trees and ivy--grow past spring.


That I need to organize my projects so I don't look at a huge list and freak out! (Those projects I was working on a month ago are all "hot" this month, and I need to make a checklist so I don't forget anything.) And, what color red to paint the family room.


School starting in six days!


Trying to find the best ways to communicate with my girls about certain aspects of their behavior that need attention. Is there any way for a mom not to sound critical when she's being critical for their own good?! (Sigh. Note I AM THANKFUL FOR... above, because that will make everyone happy and more receptive in six days.)


Grilled pork tenderloin, with a Cuban-style marinade; herbed risotto and mixed summer veggies. (The last time I made the pork, I served it fajita style with a fresh pineapple/red pepper salsa--oh my! That's an culinary experience in itself.)


A white short-sleeved shirt, medium blue overshirt (it's cool here!) and purple "yoga" pants (in which I never do yoga or aerobicize, but they are not exactly lounge pants either). Still not wearing socks. My anklet comes off Tuesday.


Publicity materials for the PTA Reflections program, the annual arts and literary competition. You'd have thought I never designed a flier before; it took forever! Obviously, certain creative processes have been shut down for summer. But, I discovered the fabulous "smart art" graphics on Microsoft Word, and I'm thrilled with how they make mundane lists really pop!


Nowhere. We had a 3-hour playdate at the pool yesterday (and I got really cold), and we had another playdate this morning. Tomorrow is a very long day at school, finding out teachers, paying school fees, etc. So, today....nowhere!


A Woman's Secret to a Balanced Life: Finding God's Refreshing Priorities for You
, by Lysa TerKeurst and Sharon Jaynes (the Proverbs 31-based Bible study that I will be co-teaching as a Sunday School class this Fall. I know, you all are reading this post and thinking, "Sue, you need to stop posting and go read the book!") and Anything But Typical, by Nora Raleigh Baskin--which is a fascinating look into what someone with autism is thinking from the perspective of an autistic child who is "speaking" to the reader in a neurotypical (as opposed to autistic, atypical) voice.


Everything comes out all right. (This is the statement you make when you have too many hopes out there at the same time.)


Cicadas? The windows are open and the A/C has been off for days, so there's a lot to hear outside. Inside, the girls are tucked away upstairs with the door closed. How many more minutes of quiet will I have left?


All of the toys from our playdate this morning are still out. We had two really nice boys come visit for awhile, and now we have two extensive train and block systems in our front hallway. Hot Wheels tracks in the playroom. And, CJ put together one of her recycled box creations (this one is a large train, though it looks like Star Trek: Deep Space 9) which is taking up most of the playroom rug. Perhaps this is why the girls are upstairs!


Is over now. I completed writing for the summerlong bloggy Bible study on the Book of Proverbs Monday night. In Between Time is having its own "in between time" until I decide what to do next with my other blog. It was wonderful discipline to post daily for three months (minus one post in July, but added one September 1). It was also wonderful to spend such concentrated time in one Book. Learned a lot and can't wait to share some things with the gals coming to Sunday School.


School open house. Last preps before Tuesday. Do I want any more plans? Not really....


All smiles at Virginia Beach (But, I'm still thankful that school starts in 6 days!)

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Click on the "Daybook" icon to link to Peggy's blog for more entries.


Kelly said…
Sweet entry! Loved the picture the best. I noticed RJ2's shoes are off! Not surprisingly. :-) That is one barefoot loving gal!
My ADHD Me said…
Hi. You're right, the last 2 days have been much cooler. you and I are even wearing the same thing, t-shirt with blue overshirt. Sshhh, don't tell anyone that we called each other last night and planned it.

By the time you are reading this comment, there is the possibility that there will now be FIVE days til school starts. Perhaps I will soon be able to pack up my Xanax!

Thursday-YEP, orientation for middle school too. Fees, fees and more fees.

Love the picture. I can't get over how much the girls have grown.

Have a great day! (or evening if you are reading this tonight.) Actually, have a great evening AND a great day...unless you are reading this in the morning. In that case it would be have a great Day and Evening! Either way, ENJOY!!
Beverlydru said…
I enjoyed the visit with you! It really feels like I dropped by for a few minutes and got a hug and smile. And I LOVE the photo or your family.
Beverlydru said…
That would be I love the photo OF your family. LOL. Silly me.

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