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A Daybook Entry

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FOR TODAY, Wednesday, October 7, 2009...


Dark. Breezy. I'm thinking "storm's coming," but I've been wrong about that too many times to say the rain is coming for sure. My ankle--twisted in a college tennis class--serves as my barometer, and it's not twinging today. The grass seed that my husband planted and fertilized has not only sprouted but is truly showing some depth this morning.


As I commented on ADHDMe's blog the other day, I've been enjoying the days, lately, and not feeling like writing about anything in them. But, because a big reason why I blog is to stay connected with folks, I'm writing this morning. I'm thinking that I'm enjoying these days more--full as they are!


CJ's working so hard at school and being so committed to following her teacher's guidelines. She doesn't get a lot of homework because they do so much at school. But, her teacher does expect students to read and study their notebooks--to keep material fresh in their heads and to avoid last-minute cramming for quizzes and tests. It's a wonderful skill to instill early. Much better than anything I used to do. CJ takes a timer to her room. Every time it goes off, I know she's switching to a different book. So proud of her!

RJ2's adjustment to Kindergarten. Even though she doesn't share much about her day, we have many "reporters" out there who tell us that she is picking up on everything and showing spurts of creativity in what she does.

Also, for a bell choir who consistently demonstrates commitment and perseverance, despite little practice and whatever personal challenges face members. We played our first concert on Monday night, and it was an occasion to remember. Gorgeous music, a wonderfully receptive audience, ringers who ring from their hearts as well as out of their hands. Just fantastic!


I am continually challenged--in facing a musical performance--in my preparation. As a director, I don't have to worry about ringing the music. But, as a director, I have 14 players and additional musicians to bring into unity for a performance (and caring for them outside of a performance situation). Plus, from a spiritual perspective, our mission is about bringing Love and the message of God's Word to those for whom we play.

This season, I am focusing on the relationships I have with people, even as I need to build their technical skills. I am definitely still learning how to do that. I can't help but put myself in the shoes of any teacher or pastor and see how difficult their work can be. (But, it is so very rewarding!)


Tonight, I am attempting my first frittata! Eggs, onion, Asiago cheese, red potatoes. I was thinking about making "breakfast for dinner" this week anyway. Once the bag that held the dozen eggs fell out of my grocery cart on the way to the car, I was assured that this was the perfect week to attempt the frittata.


Painting clothes! The light green paint from last year's bathroom project is still on my maroon shirt. I am a few pieces of blue tape away from putting on the Daredevil-tinted primer in our family room. I am taking off my brand-new browniful furry slippers, however.


Nothing really fun yet. I need to create some Excel spreadsheets and judging forms for the PTA Reflections competition. I have most of the judges in place except for the Literature category. May have to call on some of you in the blogosphere if our local experts aren't able to step forward.


Nowhere today! It is painting day. Got to finish this blog and get going to the family room! Tomorrow, I'll be going to school to read the morning announcements (promoting Reflections for the kids; we need more entries, too!).


The other night, I finished The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell, MD. Have known the languages for awhile but hadn't read a book in the series. Didn't love this book. (It's so dry! The examples they do provide don't even seem "real." Chapman's done a bunch of these; I fear it shows here.) I do understand the message, however. Now, catching up on some periodicals--my last issue of MOPS' MomSense and my first issue of FulFill, which is also my first online subscription magazine and it's now a free publication. (See the link to the FulFill blog on my roll.)


To finish all painting by the end of October! We are getting new carpet in there, too, and I'd love to see that all done before Thanksgiving. As for my reupholstering the furniture, that may take until the New Year. (They haven't written Reupholstering for Dummies, but if you have another book source for me or an online class, I'm up for recommendations.)


The whir of the hard drive in the laptop. The refrigerator's hum. The ticking of the kitchen clock. The breeze that has picked up since I started writing this morning.


Everywhere I look, I see a project. But, knowing that I'll be painting today gives me focus. There will ALWAYS be a project if I look for one--LOL! The key is just planning for the day, and then scrapping the plan when necessary.


Watching baseball on TV with my husband. We watched the last game of the regular season yesterday--a tiebreaker game between the Detroit Tigers and the Minnesota Twins. It was an amazing game to watch. Went in to extra innings. Both teams really kept it close throughout the night--and it went longer than four hours! In the end, the Twins won it (which made me happy). Now, the post-season begins, and the Twins will be fighting the New York Yankees this afternoon.

But, you should know that we're die-hard Washington Nationals' fans, regardless of the fact that they were, practically, the worse team in baseball this year. They are the scrappy Nats! And we look forward to root-root-rooting for the "home" team next Spring. (And, we are acquiring a new minor league team in town. They are down to five names, including "The Hambones." YIKES! Where are the writers!?!)


I'm sorry, did someone say 'plans'? Maybe that was my paint cans calling.


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Click on the "Daybook" icon to link to Peggy's blog for more entries.


Kelly said…
I discovered Cici's love language last week. I gave her a strip of stickers, and she hugged me professing her undying love. Then my hubs reinflated her flat tire on her bike, again the love and she said "I have a tear in my eye." Okay, small gifts and acts of service are for her!

Good luck on the painting!
On Purpose said…
We are having breakfast for dinner tonight..because we are celebrating Wacky Wednesday!

I LOVE the paint color!
Edie said…
I love breakfast for dinner. I love breakfast anytime!

"Everywhere I look, I see a project." I can SOOOO relate to that statement!

Love the picture. I thought about going around the house and doing something like that on all the walls to motivate me to get my painting done. LOL! Love the color. Brown and red, hmmm, I think was have some things in common.

I am reading the Five Love Languages and was wondering about the children's version the other night. Now I know. ;)

Have a great weekend!
Leslie said…
Your days sound busy but peaceful. I agree, wherever I look around my house, I see projects. Unfortunately, this makes me antsy, grouchy and unproductive because I feel overwhelmed.

Good luck with your family room! It's time to start repainting our entire house!

Love and Blessings, Leslie
Julie Gillies said…
Hi Sue,

Thank you for visiting my blog!

What an interesting post. I especially enjoyed how you began with a look out the window. You certainly have a lot going on.

You'll have to post an "after" picture so we can see how those walls are going to look once you've finished painting them.
Edie said…
I see the wall hasn't been painted any since my last visit. :)

Just stopping by to say hello.

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