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The Hole Truth

Perhaps some might gather that I'm in the hole, as in unable to afford a decent pair of jeans.

I'd offer instead that my holey pants reflect a whole-hearted glam.

On the whole, I like my jeans. Some would go whole-hog for finding the perfect pair for the perfect occasion. I'm more holistic in my search--finding the perfect jeans for my whole life.

"You could shop wholesale," they might offer.

But the satisfaction of being holed up to sew one's own patches is a whole lot better than jeans money burning a hole in one's pocket.

"But, they look so...hole-in-the-wall."

"Do they not fit my wholesome appearance?"

"Truly, you could hit a hole in one with a pair of Raven Denims."

Try as you might to pick a hole in my stance, you'll have as much chance of getting me to change my view as you would trying to push a Holstein.

I'm wholly uninterested.

So I patch my holes, and my jeans are whole again, because only God should be holy!


Kelly said…
Holy Hole Blog, Batman! Was this the project?? Aye, yaya! You hit a hole in one on this one.

But hold the phone. I wholeheartedly disagree! New jeans could be a whole new you! But I won't HOLE(d) my breath waiting!

Naw, I love you just the way you are, holes and all.
The Patterson 5 said…
I love your holey jeans as they show your great Mommy job- they are holey from getting down to the young ones level playing! With your cute patches you could offer a "whole" new look for moms of young ones and with the biblical significance the old jeans would be well....priceless! Neat we both were thinking of wholes!

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