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Today IS Something!

I can't believe all this stuff happened today!

We can celebrate Democracy Day with the Nigerians and Oak Apple Day with folks in the U.K.

As fellow Virginians, we can reflect back on hometown hero Patrick Henry, who gave a speech today denouncing the Stamp Act, in which it is believed he said, "If this be treason, make the most of it!" (Can he come back for a re-enactment at the post office someday? Stamps are going to be as high as gas prices pretty soon.)

Sir Edumund Hillary (no relation to the Democratic presidential candidate...that would be a stretch, wouldn't it?) and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay reached the summit of Mount Everest for the first time today.

Bing Crosby recorded the classic "White Christmas," only the best-selling Christmas album in history, for Decca Records. And his "Road" pictures partner, Bob Hope, came into the picture a few years prior to that.

And a few other folks of note also showed up today: auto racing legend Al Unser, Sr.; former U.S. president John F. Kennedy;
Ebenezer Butterick, inventor of the tissue paper dress pattern (where would my sewing be without him?); and former baseball commissioner Fay Vincent....

Not to mention and eclectic mix of entertainers (I'm reserving judgment here), including General Hospital's Tony Geary; Procol Harum keyboardist Gary Brooker (would we know a "whiter shade of pale" without him?); Toto bassist Mike Porcaro;
rocker Melissa Ethridge; actress Annette Bening; "dark" movie and The Simpsons theme composer Danny Elfman; Facts of Life big sister Lisa Whelchel; "Scary Spice" Melanie Janine Brown (yikes!); and Rebbie and LaToya Jackson (these Jackson girls came on the same day, six years apart--OOh!)

But, truly, TODAY....the event to celebrate is MY HUSBAND'S BIRTHDAY! We've been "going out" for 24-1/2 years now, and May 29th doesn't mean anything else.

Gifts never come close to anything that you would really like, but I hope you know that I love you and celebrate you!

(And I didn't tell anyone how young or old you are today. But you do share the exact same birthday as someone listed above. Not telling....)



My ADHD Me said…
Happy Birthday to your husband!!
Kelly said…
Happy Birthday to your hubby! Have a fun date!!

As for who shares the birthday - I'm guessing its not Scary Spice.
The Patterson 5 said…
Happy, Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful celebration!

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