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A Star is Born

To MyADHDMe....

You need a REAL star, Hollywood!

Thanks so much!!

From me and CJ (the awestruck blogger-to-be)


Anonymous said…
Kelly said…
She's been to my house too, CJ!! WOWWIE!!!!!
Edie said…
I love this! CJ you're gonna fit right in to the blogging world...
... when your mom says you can. ;)
Sue J. said…
Chatty Kelly, do I have to paint your face green....? (I could, you know. You could star in Shrek V!)

It was complete innocence, I promise you. RJ2 is your big fan; she says your name every time she sees your face.

And, if you must know, CJ thought ADHDMe was blonde! So, she didn't quite get it all right. (Does make me wonder who she was thinking about.....)
Kelly said…
That wasn't sarcasm on my part above...I was jokingly celebrating with CJ. Like "I know how you feel, she's been to my house too."

Yes, I can hear RJ2 saying "Hi Mrs...Chatty." Okay, well, you know what she really says. It's sweet. or else its "Hey girl." Which I believe I taught her. ;)
Sue J. said…
Sometimes blogging is just as vague as E-mailing.

My apologies for misunderstanding, CK.

Gosh, a girl can't write posts fast enough around here....

You all go over and visit my other blog tomorrow, OK? She's a little more sane on the MOPS blog.
Edie said…
Hi Sue J! I have something for you. Please stop by my blog when you get a chance. :D

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has to watch the way I *say* something in writing. :)
Kelly said…
It' funny, cause I was going to go the jealous route and type...

"I am not jealous, I am not jealous, I am not...well hello. That comments screen sure did pop up quickly."

But then I decided I was playing the rejection card too much, so just went along with CJ.

Guess I had been playing it too much. LOL.
My ADHD Me said…
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

As a child I dreamed this day would come. I come from a poor poor home, really a shanty. There was no paper for all my creative thoughts so I wrote them with a stick in the sand and the snow, depending on the weather. The frustration that I endured every time the snow melted or the sand blew away in the wind was unbearable. One year for Christmas, in addition to the brand new pair of socks that we received every year, I was given a beautiful sheet of clean white paper. My dad had saved his money for months. But, alas, when the firewood was running low, we had to use it to help keep the shanty warm.
As the years went by, I saved my coins and bought a nail so that I could etch my writings into a scrap of wood. But again, Alas, the cold weather came again and the wood was needed for the fireplace to warm our shanty.
So, you must realize that this recognition is just overwhelming. Finally, I am able to put my thoughts on paper/computer for the world to read.
Now if I could only think of something to write...

(Hi CJ!)
Edie said…
HaHaHa!! I think ADHD-Jo should write speaches for a living. LOL!!
Anonymous said…
That is SO FUNNY!!!!!!!

You remind me of my third grade teacher. She would always sing Coal Miner's Daughter and talk about how she was one. But she wasn't.

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