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Big Birthday Recap

There's nothing quite like waking up in the morning to 148 comments! Surely, it must have been a dream....


Here is the REAL chocolate cake from yesterday. My hubby made German chocolate cake with chocolate cream cheese frosting! I wish you all were closer, because we still have quite a bit in the refridgerator. CJ put on the flowers and did her first cake writing. It's really hard to write "Happy 45th Bday" when your purple (it comes out black) gel icing is almost gone. I thought she did great!

Had all kinds of surprises. The kids I work with at church in the music ministry sang and played chimes for a Palm Sunday processional. The co-director told them it was my birthday, so they sang to me. That was cool! And she had this adorable lamb container with a cranberry-orange muffin mix in it. Yummy!

Then, one of the gals from the bell choir stopped by my house with a gift certificate to The Melting Pot (for fondue dinner!!) and babysitting money. They are too good to me....

The barbecue was really, REALLY good. It's a local place that does it right time after time. Collards with just the right amount of pickling! Hmmm....

I have more cows for the kitchen and a barn, too! A 4-disk set of the "Sound of Philadelphia." (Think O'Jays, Delfonics, Spinners, TSOP, etc.) A cool book on journaling (which is kind of the precursor to blogging). A beehive cake pan. Some yummy food items, too. I have some 50+SPF sun protective clothing on the way....

Special E-mails, phone calls, and lunch with a friend on Friday...and a playdate with the Chatty Girls today!

Not to mention 148 comments on the blog yesterday, and some wacky, loveable (and sometimes anonymous...and browniful) friends!

Thanks again!
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Greg C said…
Well happy birthday. I am a day late and I showed up without a present. Some party crasher aren't I. So just let me say I hope you had a Blessed Birthday.
Anonymous said…
I'm so glad you had a good time! Happy day after! :)

Sue J. said…
Edie, sweetheart, you are the only one I know who would speak of carafes of coffee!! Tee-hee....

I'm really not a big prankster, but some people just bring out your inner child. Problem is, we have two of them!! :-)

Thanks again for everything!
Happy Birthday! Sounds like it was a great one.
Leslie said…
Sounds like you had a wonderful day and have many people who love you! You are very blessed!
Kelly said…
Thanks for the fun playdate. And I hope everyone is jealous that I really did get a slice of the cake. MMmmmmm!
Heaven said…
CK- I am jealous you got the cake for real!

Glad you enjoyed your day!

Now, if you don't mind, I probably won't comment for awhile. My carpal "fingers" has set in. (I wonder what I could have possibly done to get these cramps in my fingers!)

But anytime you need some extra comments, I'm your girl:)

Birthday blessings the whole year!
On Purpose said…
Life in every moment is meant to be celebrated..and how amazing it looks my friend!
Happy belated Birthday Sue! I read Edie's post and left you a comment there too! Just wanted to pop over and wish another April Birthday Girl a blessed month!!! [mine was the 1st]. You share a birthday with my brother - so it's a good day!

Blessings all year!
Choosing JOY,
The Patterson 5 said…
I miss all the good parties when I go out of town! Glad your birthday was fun! You are a blessing to all who know you! Love to you!
KelliGirl said…
Happy, happy birthday! I'm so sorry I missed the hoopla yesterday! (But I'm terrible with birthdays so forgive me.)

I hope you enjoy every bite of your wonderful birthday cake. It's the best kind of all, made with love by your family!

It sounds like you had a lovely day -- a perfect day, really. I wish you much joy and blessings in the coming year. :-)

My ADHD Me said…
More cows? Well, then of course We Need More Cowbell!!
Kacey Elliott said…
Happy Belated Birthday Sue! So happy to hear you had a fabulous day! My hubby turned 45 on the 2nd and we took him to the Smokey Mountains for his favorite thing - hiking and real Tennessee BBQ. Sounds like you didn't have to go far to enjoy your special day :D You are so very loved by all the lives you touch :D Love the cake, she did a great job!
Runner Mom said…
Happy Belated B'day!! Hopping over from Edie's blog--enjoy your birthday all month long!!
Glad you had a great birthday! Happy belated Birthday by the way. Came here via Edie's blog.
Edie said…
"you are the only one I know who would speak of carafes of coffee!!"

Surely NOT! :o
How much fun you all are having. Happy birthday! You are wonderful.

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