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Here Comes the Sun

...It's all right!

Hot but gorgeous yesterday. Felt great to be out with the girls...going to church, driving. Like the new scarf-do?! More on that to come later this week. But for now....

Share in our yesterday. What a great Spring...finally!
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On Purpose said…
I so enjoyed watching that video and enjoying the beautiful things God has created! You, your girls and your beautiful yard. I just said a prayer for you. I love you my friend!
Kelly said…
I think you look beautiful! And what a green thumb. I am glad you are feeling better.
Leslie said…
Were all those shots from your yard? It looks very relaxing and beautiful! We're having a heat wave in PA. I think we missed spring!

Back in '92 we moved from NOVA to Erie, PA. We "did time" there for 8 months...all of it winter! We were there for the blizzard of '93 and then it snowed after Easter. (I cried!) I was still wearing jeans in June. Thankfully, my husband then found a new job in Chesapeake, VA. All I did that summer was sit in the sun!!!
My ADHD Me said…
What an appropriate song! And the pics went great with it.

Your pictures of the flowers look like they came straight out of a home and garden magazine....are you sure you don't have a professional photographer on hand?

I absolutely LOVED that last picture!!

REMEMBER...Call me if you need ANYTHING!!!! (I'll even answer the phone!)

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