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Winter Wonderland Celebration II

The 2nd Annual Winter Wonderland Celebration was a huge treat! Just the fact that I can say there was a 2nd one shows you just how huge this was.

The weather would reach a balmy 56 degrees by the time the afternoon came, but that didn't stop us from enjoying lots of cold-weather treats and thinking about cold-weather fun.

Here's a sampler:

Four moms and eight girls, and we had a delightful time. What delicious treats! Kelly brought these adorable snowmen on a stick.

Food as art! (And, she says she's not crafty.)

This picture is from the website with the production details that you can find at this link.

Mrs. Patterson5 (with some help from her husband) created white-icing cupcakes topped with marshmallow snowmen. They "melted" so fast, it was almost impossible to get a picture. (That is a snowflake tortilla next to Frosty.)

Mrs. S. brought the best donut for the occasion: white-powdered (of course!). She also gave the girls a hieroglyphics quiz. They solved the puzzle about as fast as it runs on the video.

The J Girls provided for craft time. We made a 2nd mitten swag; the one from last year brought back memories. Hardest part is having to color a mitten to "leave behind." Some girls made two so they wouldn't have to do that. We decorated foam snowflakes, too.

We also made a retro snowflake. Lots of prep in that you need 10 rings of cardboard each hole-punched in four places. But the stringing of the rings with pipe cleaners was easy. Check out the details here. [Edie][And note that the beads were a test project of mine. They worked.]

CJ had a great indoor game idea--a "green" snowball fight. She created two forts and recycled some "snowballs", and the girls had a battle in the "red room." We also played the "Pin the Accessories on the Snowman" game. Last year's break-dancing snowman got trumped by one who was doing the limbo in a blizzard.

It is always nice to be surrounded by friends, even as your ice ornaments melt onto the front lawn! The girls really enjoyed themselves, and the moms got to sneak in a few moments of chat in between the activities of the morning. There was no more wassail punch by the end of the day, though we did have chocolate chip whoopie pies!

Will there be a 3rd Annual? The big girls are getting big. Too big for sweet munchies and crafty snowflakes? Maybe I can start asking God now for a big snow next January. Then we won't have to "pin" anything!

* * *

On behalf of the J Girls, thanks, friends, for all your goodies and being such gracious guests! It was a wonderful morning!


Kelly said…
I'm in awe, I'm in awe!!! That video was AMAZING!!! WOW! You are so creative!

And of course the party was FUN! Thanks so much for thinking of us. Next year, oh yes! (At least for the rising 1st graders). Middle schoolers are too cool for all that!
The Patterson 5 said…
Wow! I am agreeing with lil Miss B as she watched the video over my shoulder, "Hey! I like that!" We had a wonderful time! Thanks for being so gracious and creative!
jkwill said…
ok that's it, next year we are excuses! we play pin the accessories on the snowman game too!
Edie said…
Your video is spectacular! You are quite a creative media person!

This looked like so much fun! I wish I lived closer so I could come... oh and bring the girls too. :)

Great snowmen Kelly and Mrs P! Thanks for providing links for me Sue J. These are keepers.

Thanks for sharing, I had had a great time, if only in spirit. :)
Carmen said…
Looks like you all had a wonderful time! It was fun to relive it a little with you. :)
Julie Gillies said…
Wow is right. You're THE mom! :) And those are some delicious looking snacks, girl. Your kids are blessed!


Your very uncreative blogging friend. *hee hee*

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