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The Best Mess

There really is such a thing as a "best mess".

Letting the kids get themselves deep into a painting project is that kind of mess. But, the kids are in school today. (Praise the Lord!!)

For me, a favorite "best mess" kitchen this morning.

Recipes, measuring cups and ingredients scattered.

Pots and pans boiling and browning.

Kitchen Aid churning out dough and well-conditioned pans yielding chocolate-toffee cookies.

A sink of which you can't see the bottom.

Because a friend's family has now grown to seven!
And even though a baby girl doesn't eat much, her big brothers do.

Today, that's definitely a "best mess."


Kelly said…
You are a good friend. They'll love that dinner!
Carmen said…
Looks like someone's been busy!! I'm sure they'll appreciate your thoughtfulness. Those cookies look awfully good! Where do you live?? ;P
My ADHD Me said…
A best mess with a purpose is a good thing.

"Praise the Lord" haha

You rally are a great friend.

P.S. I just wanted to add that I always love your comments on my posts. Especially Tuesday Guests because you always have interesting trivia that is relevant, interesting, and not something straight of of Wikipedia!

P.S.S.Didn't that Miracle on Ice give you Goosebumps! I'm not even a huge fan of sports but I just LOVE an underdog moment!!

Have a great day!

P.S.S.S. Your "mess" still looks better than some of my good days.

P.S.S.S.S. No more P.S.'s
Yum is all I can say! I know they will be so appreciative of your dinner--and if those cookies taste half as good as they look, then they are in for a super treat!
Hope ya'll are well!
Edie said…
I just know you have the gift of giving. You are so kind Sue J.

Umm.. got any of those cookies left. LOL!
Julie Gillies said…
Wow, those cookies look AMAZING, Sue! I just know those friends appreciated your thoughtfulness and hard work.

I completely agree with MY ADHD Me's comment...a mess with a purpose is a good thing. *smile*
KelliGirl said…
Oh, Sue J., if we lived closer I'd be knocking on your door on a regular basis! I can smell those cookies all the way up here.

I'm sure your friend and her family loved the meal you so lovingly prepared. I love how God uses our talents for His glory and how you honor the gifts you've been given.
On Purpose said…
You sure know how to make the day brighter my friend!

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