L ong before we bloggers celebrated our first 100 posts, the psalmists provided us with theirs. In recognition of my 100th, let's celebrate by looking at the Bible's "Post #100" (a.k.a., Psalm 100, A Psalm for Thanksgiving or Thank Offering): Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Surprisingly, there is no direct Hebrew translation for the English word 'joyful' as used in this verse in the King James Version. That leaves things a bit open to interpretation. My study Bible (NASB) says 'joyful' is "a shout of loyalty and homage." The dictionary defines 'joy' with the word rejoicing, meaning "to be made glad again." 'Noise,' however, does come with a Hebrew equivalent, meaning "to split the ears with sound," as in to shout, shout for joy. Lands implies all the earth, the nations, the world. We, those of all nations, are to present to the Lord, out of our loyalty and homage to Him, joyful shouts that...
Hope RJ2 has a great birthday. And she & CJ do look very much alike.
Love the pics but especially the last one. BEAUTIFUL!
Happy Birthday RJ2!! You are a beautiful little birthday girl!
My DWV says it all: elingent - RJ2 is a very elingent birthday girl!
I've been wanting to thank you for your words of inspiration prior to my Christmas concert - "It was way more important to be perfected by God than it was to be perfect in trying to play something for Him." I kept thinking about that during my two performances.
Happy Belated Birthday RJ2!
Love, Leslie