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End of the Recession?

A 2nd visit by the Tooth Fairy in five days' time?! Every drop into the piggy bank counts these days. Should auld acquaintance be forgot!

One minute, she was struggling to get out of bed. The next, she's eating her waffle without any bottom middle teeth! And the tooth is....

The tooth is....

We are operating a true Lost and Found here at the homestead. Guess it beats blogging about red paint! (Sigh...again!)

I'm going to check under the bed....


My ADHD Me said…
Maybe the tooth fairy is collecting the teeth as soon as they fall out so that she doesn't need to worry about waking anyone up when she is searching under the pillow??

P.S. The Do-Re-Mi Improv is my favorite too. I'm running it on Friday :D
Kelly said…
I'd say she's eating them. Just my guess. Maybe you should do a wiggle-wiggle around in her mouth to see if any others are loose. They tend to come out in groups. The top 2 are next.

All she wants for her birthday is her 2 front teeth!
My ADHD Me said…
OK, first of all, I am not stalking you and C. (I left a long comment on her blog).

I got your JWalking in the mail today and really enjoyed it. QUESTION...I read something handwritten at the end but couldn't completely make it out. However, I DID notice THE SOUND OF MUSIC, Julie Andrews, early 2010, and diet coke. Definitely sounds like my cup of diet coke. So, what's the scoop on that?

Oh, and thanks for adding me to your mailing list. I think I might join in on the newsletter bandwagon....of course it will have to have my own "special twist" haha.

have a great day!
My ADHD Me said…
opps, I didn't get it in the mail today, it was this week. I just got around to reading it today.
Julie Gillies said…
What a little cutie-pie. I agree with Kelly--she probably swallowed them? Hopefully she's not too upset that she can't put the teeth under her pillow. (?)

Happy New Year, Sue!
Oh my goodness the first 3 or 4 teeth Savannah lost as soon as she would run to me to tell me it is almost out down the throat they went. She was so upset. Oh well funny:)
My ADHD Me said…
Snow! 2 hour delay!! Hurray!!!

Come on over to my blog to sing our favorite!!
Beverlydru said…
I loved your idea for a party over at Mary's. The Sound of Music just sends me ove the moon too. Happy 2010!!!
My ADHD Me said…
A Sound of Music Party or get-together sounds WONDERFUL!!

What fun! Especially on a cold overcast day. There is something about a day like that, that makes me want to bundle up and watch a favorite old movie. I'm sitting here smiling while I think about it.

I get that same "unexplainable lump in my throat" and usually a silly grin on my face no matter how often I watch it.

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