Don't have a home
'Til nine days ends,
Play with relatives
And make new friends.
McDonald's for lunch
Every day,
Fries and a shake
And a yogurt parfait
In the car
For a million hours,
No time to stop
And smell the flowers.
The "Travel Life"
Can be fun,
But we'll be glad
When the trip is done.
(Not our Swedish wagon, but it might as well be. See? No "Check break light." Hubby fixed it! Now, we have to figure out what's wrong with our GPS. Let's just say we had a few "adventures" out there on the road.
But, all in all, so far, so fun!)
Have fun, be safe.
Coffee date when you get home!
As for the GPS, at least a non-working GPS is better than non-working brakes!!! (of course when you're using it and THINKING that it's working---but it isn't----sounds like a whole new post to me!)
Be Safe!