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You, You Don't....

Summer is a crazy time with kids. We've blogged and E-mailed about it since June! Although we've had some crazy (i.e., frustrating) times here, there have been some special times, too. We knew Daughter #2 was going to summer school a few days a week. Daughter #1 was going to day camp. But, this week, Daughter #1 was home while Daughter #2 was at school. A few hours of just-the-two-of-us. So we christened the start of Mom and Daughter #1 dates with the Shoney's Breakfast Buffet.

Daughter #1 has had many a Daddy/Daughter date, to the point where they have seen the inside of a restaurant way more than my husband and I have alone together in the past nine years. It's rare that Daughter #1 and I have time alone, much less an outing at a restaurant.

So, over powdered donuts and bacon (her) and grits with sausage gravy (definitely not her), we played the American Girl version of "Would You Rather...."--which is far nicer than the typical rising 4th grade version that has some truly gross possibilities. (Daughter #1 enjoys a match with anyone over anything!)
We talked about if it would be nicer with no siblings or 10 siblings. We both had pros and cons. (She has one sibling; I have 3 sisters.) Would we rather eat out every day or at home every day. Again, difficult to pick just one. Even choosing between dancing or singing in front of 10,000 people was a tough call. I figure you can fudge dance steps, even though Simon Cowell would undoubtedly say, "The dancing--if you could call it that--was hideous." Daughter #1 was more ready to sing, having just sung at the YMCA (though not by herself and not for more than 25). ("How about doing "Y-M-C-A" with hand motions in front of 10,000?!")

We closed out our first date with some window shopping at Target. Daughter #1 has some birthday gift cards to spend, and it's a great opportunity to talk about how much things cost (and how to find out how much things cost, as super soakers on summer clearance weren't 'red-tagged' the other day).

As she's entering the second half of her pre-adult years (yikes!), having special time together is a real blessing. You find out a little bit more about who she is, what she likes, what she still needs to know, and how much you don't have in common. (What do you mean you like cats better than dogs?)

And, in a strange capper to the day, the father of one of Daughter #1's classmates called to ask if I would work on the Barack Obama campaign. He said when his daughter talked up the candidate at school that Daughter #1 was one of the most obvious and vocal supporters of his campaign.

"Really!?" I said, having told him that I was undecided. (And too busy with the PTA. I actually have his wife's former volunteer spot!!)

I'm not sure which one of us was more surprised.

Guess Daughter #1 and I need to go out again soon. ("Hey...Panera for bagels tomorrow??")


Kelly said…
Well, first you need to inform her of the importance of Republican values - Go John McCain! kidding (alittle).

This special times will be treasured by you both. My morning walks with my big girl have opened up lots of conversations and things that I want to share with her, versus having her pick up at school (like who to vote for...nah.)

Treasure the days. As someone put on my blog - it is a series of long days and short years.
My ADHD Me said…
I really do love the times when I am able to have true heart to hearts with one of my kids alone---just he and I. I learn so much from them and about them. Also, I think they learn alittle more about me. It especially amazes me how much my 17 yr old open ups to me. From what I hear from others with kids of similar ages....that is definately not the norm. And believe me when I say we talk about just about anything.
When I spend time with my 12 yr old it is usually him telling me about the complex issues of motems, routers, computers and everything that makes them work and how they work. In other words, he usually loses me as soon as we get past what e-mail is.
Nevertheless, I love our one on one time.
P.S. Gotta go with Chatty Kelly on this one...Go John McCain.
P.S.S. I think that is why there is a saying about never talking politics...haha. Could have been worse...Hilary!!
The Patterson 5 said…
The Patterson 5 are back and I am looking forward to catching up! I am behind on sooo many things but rested up and recharged!
Kacey Elliott said…
You are one lucky lady - having that special time with your daughter :-) I can only imagine what that will be like when mine are a little older and they actually have a life outside of mom :-) I can't wait for those types of moments. If only more people actually talked to their kids like this, our world might be in a better state of affairs. As for John McCain or Obama, I am afraid I would have to say at this point, which is the lesser of the two evils - hard to figure that out at the moment...
Anonymous said…
Too funny about the Obama support from daughter #1! I recently had to teach my daughter #2 how to say "JOHN MCCAIN." She told her teacher at school that her Mom and Dad were voting for Barrack Obama. The teacher asked me about it and I nearly fell in the floor. As many of you know, my husband works for our Republican AG. There's no way he would vote for Obama. Imagine if that rumor got out thanks to daughter #2. Our girls have minds of their own and Dad is now afraid he may be raising a Democrat!!

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