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I'm having one of those moments in which I'm feeling like the space capsule making its way back through the earth's atmosphere after a great mission. Kind of feels like this:

I'm being real transparent here, because I know you've probably experienced this before. I know I have. (Here I go again!) I would just like to come through this most recent experience without losing too many heat shield tiles, if you know what I'm saying.

So, I've been working with a team of folks on a project. God gave me some great ideas. I offered up the ideas and got some great feedback. We moved forward. Now, things are being reassessed a little bit, and I'm feeling some "heat." The kind of heat that causes you to be bent out of shape.

Having been in this hot spot before, I know that there are multiple things happening. I have taken a little too much ownership over things, taken too much to heart, and I need to remember that God is still very much in control. I have struggled with being a catalyst for lift-off and then being able to back off, to allow things to happen in His will.

Then, I take stuff personally--anything that strays from the original plan is my fault. And, truly, there is nothing wrong here. Things are just going to proceed differently from the original mission plan.

The bending out of shape comes because nobody radioed me to ask me for my opinion. And, pie-in-the-sky that I've been over this project, maybe they thought I'd be hurt. So, the mission plan was altered and put forward by Mission Control. I still shouldn't be hot over this, though, because they are the leaders and advisers on this mission, and other folks go to them for answers. I'm a tech person. But, I love to fly, if you know what I mean.

As I write, my capsule is still waiting for splashdown. Prayers welcome! I really would like to emerge from the capsule right ready to go back up in the rocket tomorrow, and continue the mission, renewed and relying on the Ultimate Mission Commander, the One who controls the very stars and this very ship.


Sue J. said…
Truly, I am NOT inviting you to a pity party, here. Just seeking some wise spiritual counsel from you all!
On Purpose said…
I read your blog today as was first so amazed at how well you can word are gifted my friend!

I think this is exactly how it needs to be...if we are feeling all comfortable and okay with everything...are we being stretched...growing...being brought closer to Him.

Am I hearing you...or just reading my story into your words.

I am praying and knowing God is hearing you!
Kelly said…
We chatted about something similar on Monday. Folks moving ahead can either give you some heat or not depending on how invested you are in the project.

Without specifics I can't offer any advice, except to pray and follow your Ultimate Mission Commander...but you already knew that.
Anonymous said…
I will be keeping you in my prayers that you hear God's word to work through the circumstances put forth in front of you. And I agree with a previous poster...sometimes it's hard to feel stretched, yet remain comfortable, all the while trying to complete a task to the best of your ability. Have faith that your talents will be used to the right course of action, through Him...our ultimate guide!
You are an incredibly talented writer with such wit and wisdom to your posts. I have been lurking for a while (followed over from Mrs. P's blog) and I always enjoy your way with words.
Great devotion today. I will never look at Goodnight Gorilla (or the Bible,for that matter) in the same light. Thanks for opening my eyes to some new "adventures" ahead with the best Book of all!
The Patterson 5 said…
I will definately pray for you my friend! Looks like the project is a pie in the sky one! That's good right?! God's going to work it for good and He will get you back in that rocket, refreshed, renewed and ready to fly for Him!

Hey, I gushed a bit over you on my post for tonight and just as I said Mr P is right by me typing away on his homework-he hasn't even started class yet and he has homework!
Edie said…
Hi Sue J. I don't know what your circumstances are but I know He does and is in complete control. He love you, cares for you, and is deeply interested and involved in all that concerns you. Hand the results over to Him as well as your response and keep trusting Him. Will be praying you though dear friend.

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