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When Life Gives You Zucchini...

If that headline sounds familiar, it should be. Wednesdays are back to Baking Days at the Js!

Sous chef and chief cookie baker, Daughter #2, has returned to her post to whip up some new culinary creations for the family bakery. (And she is just about to flip the switch to "5" instead of "off" in this photo--OOPS!)

On the menu board today? Zucchini bread...or, as we like to call it in kid-friendly terms, breakfast cake!

The zucchini and the bread recipe come courtesy of my Mom, who has been making this for years. She actually she lost her own recipe and had to get it back from a daughter--and not me, surprisingly. I have been making some form of zucchini bread since high school (see below), but I had to reclaim the recipe from Mom on our last visit over the summer.

Anyhow, days home from preschool go by so much faster when we're busy in the kitchen. And someone will be privy to some really good bread...ah, breakfast cake! a time in the future when he or she least expects it.

It's nice to have two Kitchen Aid(e)s!


My ADHD Me said…
Love that high school picture! I've been wearing sunglasses that look like that ever since those days. They're coming back in style now, but 5 years ago I always got strange was because of the glasses....right?
Kelly said…
Love the double entendre! 2 Kitchen aid(e)s in deed! The glasses were a hoot too. Now all you need is a shirt with a big bow at the collar. Remember those!?

Glad you had great baking fun.

and good luck cleaning the dough off of the ceiling...(5 instead of off!).
Sue J. said…
I miss my big frames. My tiny Grandma frames are really not my favorite, but you can't really buy them bigger these days...unless I can get sunglass frames, like adhd me is talking about and have my prescription put

As for the shirt with the big bow, I just got rid of my last one an Amvets visit or two ago.... I loved my pilgrim blouses! With the jumpers...which is STILL OWN and WILL WEAR! HA!

Actually, the only flour flying was that on little bunny's nose (Thank You, Lord!)
The Patterson 5 said…
Good use for a not so kid friendly veggie and I love that you call it breakfast bread...You could add it to the deceptively delicious menu! I love your highschool picture! You look like Sue only with big glasses!
Tracy said…
Oh me...that high school picture is funny! Looks like mine~Tracy
Bonita said…
Cute high school picture. Looks like it was taken right out of home ec class.

I've been thinking about zucchini bread lately. I haven't had any in ages. Looks like you have a great "aide" there.
My ADHD Me said…
It was VERY hard to find the big frame sunglasses a few years ago. I usually had to hit the thrift stores to find them. of course, now they're at the mall and every where---which kind of takes the fun out of wearing them. ha
I'm quite positive that you had NO idea that I'm not a "go with the flow" ,"stick with what is in fashion" kind of person.
On Purpose said…
I love zucchini bread...are you guys taking orders yet...?

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