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It's Not That Easy....

Well, I can't believe it, but I've decided to participate in Linda's "I See What You're Saying!" today. Inspired by my local bloggie pals who did great videos, here is my video of a subject near and dear

Click here to view.

(with no apologies to Stacy and Clinton)


The Patterson 5 said…
This was so good! I loved it! You make brown extraordinary and special!

Yes I am still getting up early (but not at 5 like when Mr P is home-I'm sleeping in until a late 6!)

Prayers for Mr P he is stuck in an airport and trying to get home.
Kelly said…
PEER PRESSURE!!! I love it. You are the prettiest brown I know. Much better than a tree trunk or UPS man and even better than chocolate or coffee. (Zowie - that is a huge compliment coming from me!)

Anyway - great job! So glad you played!
Browniful!! Loved it, Sue! I was hoping to see your face at the end. The UPS line cracked me up. Have a great time blog hopping around. Love, Linda
Skoots1moM said…
i cracked up especially at the TREE TRUNK part, yeah, that's me, the tree trunk...used to have curves but oh, no more.

great video
Kim said…
You're brownilicious!
thouartloosed said…
I loved your video! and I love brown, too. I hear it's the new black.
Amie said…
I love brown, too! And we have that rainbow book, and the pop up rainbow looks about the same as that one, pop up books and toddlers don't go well together.
Jackie said…
For some reason I'm not able to see your video...I'll try popping in tomorrow to see if I can then, but I just wanted to say hi! :)
Becky said…
You are hilarious! I love brown too! So zany... in a great way :-)
Ohilda said…
Great job! I love brown, too!!!

My ADHD Me said…
I'm SO glad to see your video! I checked in yesterday but it was before you did it.
Loved your video. Mine would be "It's not easy being Black", but that sounds too much like a racial statement. I do like gray and army green too....So, "It's not easy being black, gray and army green.........."

Your video was just so neat. It was perfect with the words. You are SO clever!
Greg C said…
That took a lot of thought. Way to go. I am impressed.
Cindy Swanson said…
DEFINITELY one of the most creative entries in this carnival! I thought it was funny and entertaining. I'm glad you did show up on camera at the end, too! Great job!
Rachel said…
Very cute! It cracked me up that the next video that YouTube suggested that I watch was a Chris Brown video.

I like brown too, but not quite as much as you apparently!

Nice to "see" you!
Unknown said…
Loved it Sue! Made me smile. Pretty good singing too!
Very nice. Very brave.

I joined Cafe Mom. And I would love pen pals. Who doesn't love more pals??

Are there Bible study groups through CafeMom, honestly I haven't figured out how best to use it yet...
Anonymous said…
I am still making my way around to all the videos… now that they’ve been up for 4 days. I started at the beginning and then restarted at the end. I just worked my way back to the linkys in the middle. I wonder what that says about me? LOL. It’s so nice to see you. This has been a blast.
My ADHD Me said…
Hi Sue J. You have to go to the blog, Notes in the Key of Life. It is

Read her post "13 Things about I See What You're Saying".

She mentions 2 that should win a prize for creativity. (even links them)!

Guess who they are?!! (no silly, not me)
Edie said…
I'm so glad I got to see the beautiful face behind the beautiful voice. Very creative, but I wouldn't have expected anything less from you.... and ... you already know I like brown too.

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